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Making luxury family trips meaningful




Making luxury family trips meaningful

By Christopher Hill on Nov 01, 2022 in Africa, Asia

When it comes to planning a luxury family vacation, there are endless possibilities to choose from. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed getaway filled with adventure and excitement, or a relaxing retreat where you can simply unwind and recharge, there is something out there to meet your needs.

However, this is not your typical post providing you with ‘run of the mill’ luxury family vacation ideas; rather we have focused on providing inspiring ideas based on sustainability, eco-luxury, and making luxury travel meaningful. So, grab a cuppa, and let’s take a look at these ideas.


Kenya is extraordinary, with vibrant people, stunning coastlines, towering mountains, and of course, sublime wildlife. Your kids will love Nairobi’s Giraffe Center, as well as the Rhino orphanage, and be enthralled by the sight of tens of thousands of wildebeest and zebras doing their great migration from the Serengeti into the Maasai Mara. But your family will love Kenya at any time of year, especially when they get to engage with the people. The Maasai communities surrounding the Mara ecosystem are facing a number of challenges. Many of these problems stem from a lack of education and resources, making it difficult for these communities to improve their situation.

However, you and your family can help to turn this situation around by funding and building a new classroom for the local schools. By providing access to quality education, you can help to lay the foundation for learning and give these children the skills they need to build their lives and better their communities.

Sustainable development is also essential if we want to ensure that these communities continue to thrive long into the future. To this end, you may choose to partner with the Masaai people to install eco-friendly stoves in villages.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali – an island paradise where your family can experience so much, from learning to surf, to rafting on exciting rapids, to Balinese cooking lessons. When most people think of the Balinese, they think of their warm and gentle nature, their beautiful culture, and the natural charm that seems to imbue everything they do.

However, what many people don’t know is that many Balinese actually see disabilities as a karmic result of past wrong-doing. As a result, disabled people in Balinese society are seen as outcasts who live difficult lives with little to no government support.

Many of them depend solely on their families for care and assistance, which places a tremendous burden on these already vulnerable individuals.

Despite this bleak reality, there is hope: your family can make a real difference in the lives of disabled Balinese people.

How we do this is by funding and installing accessible bathrooms for paraplegics living in remote and very poor villages; with your support, we can ensure that all members of the community have access to essential resources like restrooms that meet their needs.


Romania is a fascinating European treasure, with diverse landscapes and rich cultural traditions, and of course Dracula and his castle. But what really sets this country apart is its abundance of wildlife.

Home to Europe’s largest population of wild European brown bears, Romania is truly a nature lover’s paradise. And yet, despite this, hunting is still permitted here, putting these majestic animals at risk.

If we want to ensure that the bears of Romania flourish for generations to come, then it is up to all of us to take action now. Your family can do so by spending a few days volunteering at a Bear Sanctuary in Romania: maintaining the enclosures, preparing their meals, and creating ‘enrichments’ to stimulate the bears and keep them engaged.


So, why not consider taking your next luxury family vacation to one of these sustainable, eco-luxury destinations? Not only will you have a unique and unforgettable experience, but you can also make a positive impact on local communities and the environment. Together, we can work towards creating a more sustainable and equitable world for all. Be the change.

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